The Profi 3x2 features 3” shoulder belts, 2" Profi lap belts with sewn Snap in attachments, and a T-bar adjustable sub strap. Shoulders and sub strap hardware is wrapped in.
The main premise behind the 2" lap belt is the added safety. A 2" belt rides within the crest of the human pelvis where a 3" belt would rest on the edges. This allows you to get the belt up to an inch and a half tighter. That means the lap belt will be working earlier in an accident because it gets loaded faster. It's also more comfortable and easier to adjust because there's less friction through the adjuster.
Comes with Snap-In attachments at lap and sub points. The shoulders come ready to be wrapped around a roll-bar. Bolt in attachments can be purchased separately for shoulders and sub strap. Available in black and red.
Schroth Harness - Flexi 2x2 6-Point Belt - 2in Lap Snap, Adj. Sub Snap - FIA8853-2016
OMP Fire System - 4.25L Electronic Trigger Steel Bottle CESST1 Fire System - Black Collection